Club House
Swakeleys House Bowls Club

Information for members

Swakeleys House Bowls Club is run by its members.  There are NO paid staff.  This means that nothing happens by itself, and everyone is relied upon to do their bit.  In this way, it is our members who determine the Club's success or otherwise, and everyone's enjoyment.

Please get into the habit of helping with the routine jobs.  Before matches and roll-ups arrive early and support the Captain in opening up, putting out the jacks, mats, pushers etc.  After a session of bowls please put the equipment away in its proper place.  You will soon get to know that needs to be done, and what goes where.  If you forget - just ask.  There are jobs to be done in the kitchen for instance, even for roll-ups:  that is, if like most bowlers, you value your cuppa and refreshments!  Tables and chairs need to be set out and put back afterwards.  Clearing up, washing up, and locking up need to be taken care of.  Plese help with the days set aside for work on the club grounds.  They are a good opportunity to get to know other members.  Don't leave all the work to someone else.  Get involved and enjoy your membership.

Basic Bowls Etiquette

Roles in Team Games

Etiquette for Markers